First sign: The city gives GWB an award accepted by the Bush Twins right OUTSIDE my apartment. Oy Vey! It's as if they want me to leave. Next they'll be putting a large statue of Reagan out there.
Second sign: My cat isn't safe here since apparently Oakies mutilate them for Lady Gaga concert outfits.
Third sign: The freaking Tornadoes! How many hundreds of tornadoes need to touch down around here before I get the hell out of dodge? Look at the freakin chart? Why is the line for 2011 heading straight up? Sheesh!
Fourth sign: Coworkers complaining about how long The President took to release his birth certificate...ok....his second birth certificate people. And I'm still waiting for proof that GWB was actually born in CT. I know that mother fucker had to have been born in Texas...Arizona...Florida...or really any fucked up state!
And really, it's Oklahoma City...what other reasons do I need?