Friday, April 29, 2011

Signs it's time to leave OKC

Yes, the signs are all around me. Time to think about saying goodbye to these cowboys and head back east.

First sign: The city gives GWB an award accepted by the Bush Twins right OUTSIDE my apartment. Oy Vey! It's as if they want me to leave. Next they'll be putting a large statue of Reagan out there.

Second sign: My cat isn't safe here since apparently Oakies mutilate them for Lady Gaga concert outfits.

Third sign: The freaking Tornadoes! How many hundreds of tornadoes need to touch down around here before I get the hell out of dodge? Look at the freakin chart? Why is the line for 2011 heading straight up? Sheesh!

Fourth sign: Coworkers complaining about how long The President took to release his birth certificate...ok....his second birth certificate people. And I'm still waiting for proof that GWB was actually born in CT. I know that mother fucker had to have been born in Texas...Arizona...Florida...or really any fucked up state!

And really, it's Oklahoma City...what other reasons do I need?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yet another reason not to go to church

A new study finds that people who go to church are more likely to be obese; yet another reason to avoid church here in OKC.

Church + Drive Thrus every 50 feet + Unbearable heat makes this one of the fattest cities in the country.

So while the rest of the city is busy getting fat at church on sundays, I get to complete all of my chores quickly with no lines at the stores and zero people in the gym! Thank you God!